REST: Lessons from 2019

There remains, therefore, a Sabbath rest for the people of God to keep, because the one who enters God’s rest has himself rested from his own actions, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest..

Hebrews 4:9-11

As soon as we landed back on the mainland, I felt it. We were just coming back from a missions trip, so my spirit’s spidey senses were heightened. I felt the tension rising in me with every step we took through the terminal. I was familiar with the feeling and hadn’t realized its absence until I felt it crawling back. I recognized then that America is advertised to the world as the land of dreams, but, truly, it is a land of works.

To be clear, work is necessary. We need it to live and provide. But our culture will have us stop right there. The rest of the phrase would say, rest is just as vital. Did you catch that? Just. As. Vital. If you’re out of work, you’re scrambling to find another job. Are you scrambling just as much to get rest?

One of my authors described rest as a sign of faith. I couldn’t agree more. God rested, why shouldn’t we? Also, keep in mind that the first full day on Earth for Adam and Eve was that 7th day with their Maker. I’m pretty sure that was on purpose. Fast forward to the New Testament during the infamous, faith-testing storm. Where was Jesus on the ship? Asleep. And He would regularly go away from everyone to take time to rest and speak with His Father.

But there are people depending on us! I hear you; trust me, I know. However, those who need us, need us alive. The airplane instructions for the oxygen mask will remind you of this. Make sure you’re good first, then help someone else. You need to take time to connect to the Source to ensure you have something to feed to the other. Picture watering a garden. You need to ensure first that the water hose is connected to the water source and then that it is on!

Don’t stay thirsty, friends. Stay connected and resting in the arms of Love. Rest.

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